Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Willkommen in Wien

So the journey begins...

This transition is much harder than I expected. I've always had a passion for travel, other cultures and adventure! However, after living in Vienna for one week and one day, I crave anything that reminds me of home. I chose to visit Starbucks today for my usual caramel macchiato instead of seeking out one of Vienna's local, character-filled cafes. At the grocery store, I bought the Pepperidge Farm chocolate chip cookies and Honey Barbecue Kettle Chips. I ordered the New York cheesecake instead of trying a Viennese sweet. I cried myself to sleep two nights ago and I have become a bit of an introvert.

Going into this, I knew it would be hard. But the hardest times in my life have shaped me into who I am today. And although I may not be where I would like to be all of the time, I thank God that I am not where I used to be. I wouldn't know Him and His love had I not fallen from my comfortable, prideful periods of life. God has healed this heart over and over again and there's so much left to be done. However, "In order for God's kingdom to advance, things have got to change. Even if things may feel great now. If things are staying the same, then life doesn't exist there" (Dave Clayton preached this at an Ethos service on August 18th). This note that I quickly jotted down has stuck with me since. I was comfortable where I was. I had finally gotten back to Lipscomb, my safe haven where I was reunited with all of my uplifting friends after my difficult summer. I was finally living in the same city as my sweet boyfriend again, seeing him and holding him anytime I pleased. I was just far enough from home to not be annoyed by my family and just close enough to be comforted by them. I was able to attend Ethos Church again. My Spirit was overjoyed to once again feed off of the encouragement that these familiar hearts pour out. Despite all of this, I have experienced many parts of the flesh in myself that need to be removed. In order for me to be the Christian who God calls me to be, I must submit to His control, fully trusting His will, and allow Him to rid me of my selfish endeavors. I'm sure this will be an ongoing lesson throughout my life. 

Prior to this trip, I viewed this time in Vienna as an opportunity to disconnect from the distracted and busy America where one has an hour to waste on Facebook but can only spare maybe 5 minutes for a quick Jesus Calling devo in the morning; and rather, to plug into the relaxed Europe with 3 hour meal times and devout Catholics meditating on the reverent, almighty God while on their knees in their extravagant churches. What I'm realizing here is that this trip will transform you as much as you will allow it to. Your focus is going to go where you put it. Your attitude will be whatever you choose for it to be, whether you're having a wonderful day or a crappy day. And if I am spending my days dwelling on what I am missing out on back home, then I am depriving myself of the adventures that I can experience here in every moment. I know all of this but I'm still having a hard time letting go of what is comfortable. God gives me so much hope for what is to come though!

The bible teaches that a thankful heart is a happy heart! I pray that God helps me to place my focus on Him and all of the gifts that He blesses me with each day. I want to be shaped by His love and I want others to experience Him through me. I want to return home to the USA with my trust in God's faithfulness. A verse that has become repetitive in my mind is, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:4-7). 

Now for an update on my experiences so far!!
  • Motrin PM was my best friend for the overnight, long flight over - I got almost 5 hours of sleep!
  • I packed WAY too much to carry. My back is just now recovering from carrying everything and I got lectured on my excess by a lady who worked at the airport in Munich :-/ But I'm thankful to have it all now in my apartment! #sorrynotsorry?
  • I experienced extreme culture shock on the first day because I had no idea what anyone was saying, how to use any public transportation or read the maps, where I was, etc. 
  • I have mastered the ways of the U-Bahn and I can get myself almost anywhere. I know where almost everything is - grocery trips get easier every time! I am getting a hang of conversing with the locals ("Gruss Gott" is how the Austrians greet each other - it translates to "Greet God" - I love using this when I walk into a store and receive a friendly smile from the worker there)
  • Took a tour of the Schonbrunn Palace and the whole area around it is remarkably gorgeous!

  • Went to the Prater amusement park and rode the tallest swing in the world AND rebelliously snuck my camera up with me in my sleeve so that I could take this picture!!

  • Got to ride my first slingshot ride ever with Reed Sircy and it was AWESOME!!

  •  And got to ride again for FREE with Igor from... some other European country! He was a pilot, I discovered through our talk 150 feet up in the air!

  •  Failed at the Austrian (European in general maybe? but DEFINITELY NOT American) ride of standing up and dancing to the DJ's music while the ride spins wildly out of control... we got slammed to our butts. I have a big bruise on my arm but it was still fun!

  • I went to the flea market and bought my boyfriend a gift that I cannot wait to give him and I'm having a hard time keeping it a secret! I also bought a little Wien charm that has been added to my cross necklace that you will begin to see in pictures! I also purchased two fall/winter scarves for 5 euro each - spankin' deal!! And I tried a kabob sandwich (I think is what it's called... it was a teeny bit sketchy but still tasty) and the most AMAZING peach I've ever had in my whole life! The juice trickled down mine and Shelby's chins and arms as we savored it (: 
  • At the Harvest Festival, which is unfortunately over now, I tried the most scrumptious juice I've ever had! It's the harvested grape juice and I learned how to order it correctly by saying, "Ich mochte ein traubermost bitte"! And I kept the glass mug as a souvenir, which has been very useful for my hourly glass of milk cravings in the apartment. 

  •  We visited a high point near the edge of the Vienna Woods to catch this pretty view below! 

  • Then we hiked down the vineyard laced mountains and bought the most delightful honey that I've eaten on toasted bread with peanut butter and banana every day!
  • Hiked up an extremely steep hill to see this beautiful view below!

  • Went to German mass in the St. Augustine church where Maria Theresa, Franz Joseph and Elisabeth of Austria all got married! 

  • Visited, for the second time, the oldest church in Vienna - St. Ruprechts! It had a dead body of a saint found in the Catacombs in Rome in it! And the oldest stained glass window (in Vienna I believe)

  • Eaten a BUNCH of NUTELLA, naturally
  • I LOVE my German teacher Frau Wurtzl - she is so funny and helpful!!
  • I am almost through reading Night by Elie Wiesel and there is more to come on this after the Krakow, Poland trip. It blows my mind that this happened in our world not that long ago. I anticipate this trip to Auschwitz. I know it will be extremely hard to take in, but I want to visit it and see it for myself. 
  • I've tried so many different chocolates and breads and I've gone on one run... haha. We walk so much here though! I'm hoping my love for exercise will equate to my love for food on this trip... doubtful!
  • Meditated in a few churches and I plan on setting apart times to visit them alone for quiet time - I really want this to happen! These churches create such a transcendent atmosphere!

Simply uploading these pictures and writing about them has helped me to reflect on the wonderful experiences that I've already had so far, and to be thankful for them! My mood is cheery despite the rain outside. Honestly the pitter patter with the open window is quite soothing; no head ache here! 

Well, this is all for now! This was my first post so I guarantee the others will not be so long! I'll try to update as much as I can and I would love responses since this blog is intended to keep me in touch with everyone back home! Just reply on here on email me at (: 

I send my love to everyone - you are all missed so very much!! 

Lacy (:


  1. Lacy, I loved reading about your adventures! It's wonderful to see the amazing, God focused young woman you have become. I, too, will be praying that you will "rejoice always" and be shaped by His love.

  2. Looks like your first week has been great! So very happy for you.

    I'm excited to see how God works in you over the next few months.

    Grace and peace my friend.

  3. LACY!!! This is wonderful! I had no idea you were studying abroad..AWESOME!! I am studying abroad in Spain in the spring and hope to do a blog as well! You already seem to be having a fabulous time and I can tell the Lord is going to use you in incredible ways during your trip. I look forward to keeping up with your adventures and gain some insight on the "how to's" "what not's" and "Do's" of Study Abroad! God is going to bless you in your endeavors in Vienna and I will be in constant prayer for you this semester. Love you, girl! :) -Mary Dea

  4. Lacy Ann,

    A beautiful way to start your blog. I know you'll have a wonderful experience. Enjoy it all...and keep us posted.

    Uncle Jim

  5. Lacy Ann, You have a gift, actually you have many gifts. You weave your words with many stitches, and I am blessed for reading them; you make me laugh and cry. I'm so excited for you and think about you constantly. I wonder where you are, what you see, what you hear, what you're learning. Can you imagine how God will be able to use you through this experience? You are a strong and beautiful woman! I can't wait to read more, and I can't wait to see you! I love you, Aunt Lisa Ann ;-)

  6. Lace, I finally figured out how to comment. Well, my comment is .. You are so beautiful, inside and out. I enjoy reading your narration. You are so smart. You should be an author. Actually, I guess you are. ich liebe dich - Pops
